Monday, October 08, 2007

The Best Informaiton on personal financial planning

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Don't bank on your house for retirement (The Nashua Telegraph)

Fri, 05 Oct 2007 20:43:45 GMT
It's almost irresistible to talk about your home as an investment. After all, home equity is the single largest component of the wealth of most households. ... - By ELIZABETH RAZZI Special to The Washington Post

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Products From American General Financial Services

American General Financial Services provides a wide number of loans, credit products and retail financial options to people across the United States in 45 states as well as the Virgin Island and Puerto Rico. The American General Financial Services has been in business since 1920 and opened its first office in Evansville, Indiana. The five major products and services provided by American General Financial Services include:

• Consumer Lending - American General Financial Services provides both secured and unsecured loans for consumers. There is a convenient online application that will allow you to know exactly how much you can qualify for in just a few minutes. The benefit of a consumer lending loan from American General Financial Services is that they will work with you on a reasonable and flexible return payment plan that will meet your budget restrictions.

• Mortgages – these can be first or second mortgages and can be on a variety of different types of properties and real estate investments. American General Financial Services also offers a partial or full mortgage purchase which will allow the home owner immediate access to cash that would have been owed through a first or second mortgage. There may be additional tax benefits in this option, especially if the home purchaser has a good mortgage rate.

• Home equity lines of credit – this allows home owners to obtain credit based on the amount of "equity" they have built up in their house. This is determined by having the house appraised, then comparing that to the amount that is still owed on the property. The difference in these numbers then can be used as a secured home equity loan. There is usually a lower interest rate on home equity lines of credit simply because the already paid for part of the property is considered a very secure collateral for the loan. There may also be additional tax benefits to a home equity line of credit, plus there is unlimited or unrestricted access to the amount in the line of credit for the borrower.

• Retail sales financing – many retail stores, including automobile dealers, work through American General Financial Services to offer financing to their customers. This helps the customers pay for items over time, plus also helps the retail boost sales and customer satisfaction. Approval is quick, simple and easy as the retail stores can apply for the customer financing through a simple online site that is secure. Customers will know if they qualify for financing within a very short period of time.

• Corporate development – corporate development includes helping corporations understand the risk in investments and development and generate sound financial solutions that will maximize growth and returns.

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B2B Financial Services – Business To Business

B2B financial services, better known outside the industry as business to business financial services offers a wide range of services between businesses including e-commerce, e-checks, electronic payment processing and handling of bad or NSF (non-sufficient funds) checks.

B2B financial services are a type of service that must supply cash on demand to a variety of business or businesses and consumer throughout a marketplace. This marketplace may the internet for e-commerce and e-checks, but it may also be through ATM's (automated teller machines) currency converts and other cash disbursement facilities in airports, hotels, major cities and all types of stores, banks and shopping facilities. B2B financial services are considered to be very specialized types of services that require additional security for online transaction as well as a way to track fraud and theft effectively and efficiency in today's global and online economy. Since it is no longer acceptable to wait several days for an international confirmation in most business settings, electronic transfers of funds through e-checks or online credit card processing is becoming more and more essential in business.

One of the many options that B2B financial services can offer an existing or new online or physical business or retail outlet is the ability to actually convert e-checks into cash that is deposited into a secure account on a daily basis. Since may consumers are becoming more and more hesitant about placing their credit card information online, e-checks are becoming increasingly popular with consumers. B2B financial services typically use companies such as VeriSign, NACHA and ICheckOnline to provide secure and safe banking for both the business as well as the customer. For businesses working together it is possible to set up direct accounts that are handled slightly different that a consumer to business account.

Since internet shopping, especially over the holiday season continues to grow at a rate of about 40 million dollar per year, the demand for secure, safe B2B financial services will also continue to grow. Many of these services will offer both financial services for online business as well as the ability to help to build websites that can offer a variety of payment methods including the e-checks and more traditional credit card e-commerce websites. In addition many of the B2B financial services will also help with automatic follow up and redeposit of NSF electronic checks as well as all required methods of collection of outstanding debts on bad checks. With this level of security as well as service more and more companies are moving away from only accepting e-commerce through credit cards and are becoming more involved in using e-checks as part of the payment options on their websites.

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